
The unique value of European

At the most basic level, ceramics require four fundamental ingredients
But there is a “hidden” component, one that is almost invisible but present in European ceramics. A distinctive feature, which makes the process of creating European ceramics special. This SECRET INGREDIENT is RESPECT

Each and every piece of
European ceramics is made with...

... respect for
the environment

European manufacturers’ pieces comply with strict quality and sustainability standards, implementing the latest available technologies to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts, demonstrating a commitment to efficient resource use throughout the production process (...)

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... respect for

The European ceramic tile manufacturing industry accounts for over 48,000 direct jobs and it is estimated that for every direct job, three to four indirect and induced jobs are created. This industry operates under strict labour regulations established (...)

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... respect for

The European ceramic wall and floor tile industry is a world leader in technological development, design and quality, driven by strong investment in research development and innovation (R&D+i). The industry’s capacity to anticipate, along with its versatility and adaptability, allow it to stand out and position (...)

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... respect for
the customer

The companies of the European ceramics industry deeply appreciate their relationships with their customers, treating them more like partners than just buyers and striking up long-term dealings. This commitment to customer (...)

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